

asyncio_dispatch works with the asyncio library found in python versions 3.4 and up.


You can install the most recent asyncio_dispatch release from pypi using pip:

pip install asyncio_dispatch

Contributions and Source

Source code is available at

Any contributions will be welcomed, especially those to improve testing and compatibility with the new python 3.5 asynchronous syntax, or asyncio backports like trollius and tulip.

Because the python syntax varies by python version, tests are run with tox against all supported versions.


The tox command must be run with python version 3.5 or greater.

Run all tests

pip install tox

Run specific tox envoronment tests

pip install tox
tox -e py35 # or py34
tox -e flake8
tox -e docs

Run all tests for the python environments you have installed on your system

pip install tox
tox --skip-missing-interpreters


Licensed under the MIT license.